2011 New Year’s Adventure Resolution

by Jason -- January 10, 2011

I’m not the type of person to set grandiose New Year’s resolutions. I don’t like the idea of waiting until the New Year to make changes in your life. If you need to make a change, do it now, what are you waiting for? However, I do like to use the New Year to set an “adventure resolution”.

Each year I try to choose one activity that I’ve never done before. A few years ago it was skydiving, another year was hiking half-dome, the next was traveling through Asia for a year, and last year it was outdoor mountain climbing. Unfortunately, last year’s New Year’s resolution went the way of most resolutions, and I failed to follow through. To be fair, I did give it a few modest tries, but none were able to get me closer to my goal.

With that, I now feel I need to have 2 adventure resolutions this year. The first is of course completing last year’s. I should be able to do this in Korea. There is a popular site called “Korea On the Rocks” that is dedicated to rock climbing. I plan on using the site to find indoor gyms to practice and hopefully find a group of people to join on an outdoor excursion.

My second adventure resolution is to go white water rafting. Not too crazy I know, but it’s something I’ve never done. All I’ve done is the “bring a bunch of beer and float down the water in a raft”, but I don’t count that as white water rafting. Again, I plan on rafting in Korea. There are plenty of options.

Sharon’s Adventure Resolution

Jason has managed to convince me to to create a New Year’s adventure resolution as well. This one is not really what you would call an ‘adventure’, but it’s something that I’ve been wanting to do for many years- learn to play the guitar.

There is this guitar that my dad has owned since before I was born.  There were a handful of times when I actually took some initiative and taught myself a few chords and simple songs, but that was about the extent of it.  He actually gave the guitar to me a couple of years ago.  While I won’t be bringing it with us to Korea, I definitely plan on making this my NY resolution.  It might be tough to find the time and motivation to do this on my own in Korea, but with Jason’s constant reminders about fulfilling it and not looking like losers on our own blog, I’m sure I’ll be a natural Jimi Hendrix by the time we come back home.  (This sentence will probably be edited out when we come back)

What about you?

Can we convince you to adopt the adventure resolution? What activity have you always wanted to do but never got around to doing? Why not make this year the year you accomplish it? Leave a comment and let us know.

Photo Credit: Jonas Achermann

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4 Responses to “2011 New Year’s Adventure Resolution”

  1. I’m going to join you and say white water rafting! I’ve been wanting to do that for a while as well!

  2. I didn’t realize you were going back to Korea! Awesome! And I second the white water rafting- was never a big goal of mine but apparently I’m going to be doing it next month when I’m in Bali. We’ll see how that goes haha.

  3. I would say to successfully give birth. Since childbirth is the most terrifiying thing in the world to me, I think I will consider it an adventure :)

    Sharon - I dont doubt you will be returning as an amazing gituarist! :)

  4. @Poi — Awesome!

    @Edna — Yup, most likely heading back to Korea next month. White water rafting in Bali sounds like a pretty good time.

    @Holly — Yeah, I think that will do. :-)

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