
How To Create Anonymous Email Addresses (Like Craigslist) Using Google Apps

by Jason

In the following post, I’ll be explaining how to create anonymous email addresses for users of your website (similar to the one’s used on Craigslist) using Google Apps and a PHP script.

Guest Post Round-Up

by Jason

To help get the word out about UnAnchor.com, I’ve had a busy last few weeks writing guest posts and interviews for other blogs. In this post, I’ll share the different articles that have already been published.

Sharing Some of My Favorite Links From Around the Web

by Jason

This update comes from Jeju Island - the “Hawaii of Korea”.  We’ve been enjoying some very strange weather as well as hiking, lots of eating and other very typical touristy things. More on this later in the week.

Observations of a Privileged American

by Sharon

Most parents never dream that these words will ever come out of their children’s mouths: “we have been homeless vagabonds for 3 months”.  There are things that I have learned within these past 94 days that I may not have discovered had I never gotten on that plane (granted it was just to Vancouver, but […]

Geoarbitrage – Holy &#!% that’s cheap!

by Jason

Geoarbitrage is a popular term used by the travel community, one that I was familiar with but never truly grasped until we arrived in China and now Vietnam. In this post, I give a little background on the term, the amazing way it’s been affecting us, and why it means that traveling may actually be […]

New Year’s Adventure Resolution

by Jason

A couple years ago I began a New Year’s Resolution tradition of giving myself one adventurous goal to complete for that upcoming year. I don’t do any other New Year’s resolutions. I don’t believe in them. Resolutions are something that you break. There are obviously exceptions, but losing weight, saving money, or getting yourself organized, […]